Firewood Sales
We sell our seasoned wood in convenient 0.75 cubic foot bundles for $4.00 per bundle.
25 bundle minimum for deliveries
No minimum for pickup ( you must call 1st to make an appointment)
This is what 25 bundles looks like stacked, It’s measurements are 8ft long by 21 1/2″ high

What is the difference between kiln dried and seasoned firewood?
The method we use to dry wood is to naturally season the wood over the course of six to twelve or more months by splitting the wood and allowing it to gradually dry outdoors in the sun, wind, heat and rain.Our wood is split, then stacked in wind rows and seasoned for a minimum of 12 months before it is sold to you.
How do I light a fire?
First, crumple up about eight sheets of newspaper and stuff them under your fireplace grate or between your andirons. Next, place four or so pieces of fatwood or other kindling spaced about 1 inch apart on top of the grate or newspaper if using andirons. Then place three or more smaller sized pieces of firewood on top of the fatwood or other kindling. Now light the newspaper in a couple of places and let burn for 3-5 minutes until the fire is burning well. Then add several more larger pieces of wood, being sure to keep a nice air space between the logs. As the fire burns down, add extra logs two or more at a time.
How can you tell if your wood is dry and ready to burn?
A moisture meter will accurately measure the moisture content of your wood. You can roughly check the dryness of your wood without a moisture meter by knocking two sticks together. If you hear a sharp sound, the wood is probably dry. If you hear a dull thud, the wood is not fully seasoned. Cracking and checking on the edges of a stick of firewood also indicates that the wood is seasoned and dry. Our wood is split, then stacked in wind rows and seasoned for a minimum of 12 months before it is sold to you.
How should I store my wood?
Firewood that is kiln-dried can be stored indoors or outdoors, preferably on a rack to stack the wood neatly and prevent the pile from falling over. If you are storing wood outdoors, it is best to cover the top part of the pile with a tarp to keep it dry. For the most part, it is not advisable to store wet, unseasoned wood inside because of the problems dealing with all the moisture in the form of water vapor that will be released from the wood as it is drying.
Contact Green Leaves Tree Service today at 219-877-8263